Enrollment for this course is OPEN. This is a 2014 mini-mester course. (Your group picks the exact start date).

Course Prefix, Number, Title:  Spreadsheets using Excel TM
                                                   (Course lasts 8 weeks)

Equivalent Contact and Credit Hours:  5 Contact Hours / 3 Credit Hours

click here for assignments

Course Description: This course introduces the student to Excel TM and its associated business applications. Topics include  inputs, outputs,  modules, selection of formulas, installation, and interfacing.. Upon completion, students should be able to create spreadsheet programs for practical business applications.

Prerequisites:  Computer Literacy


Class Location:  on line

Class Meeting Times and Days:
tba online (8 weeks)

Name of Instructor:    TBA

Fax:  TBA

E-Mail:  TBA


Required Textbook:   None

Required software:  Microsoft Office Student and Teacher Edition 2010 or 2013

You can purchase this CD at officedepot.com or staples.com etc.  The cost is approx.  $147.   (Your group gets three legal copies of the software at this price that runs on Vista(TM) or Windows 7(TM) for Office 2011) or For Office 2013, your group gets three legal copies of the software at this price that runs on Windows 7(TM) or Windows 8(TM).

Required Materials:   

Student Outcomes: Upon completion of this course the student will have a general overview of the course material covered and will be able to demonstrate the following competencies:

1) Understand the typical layout of a spreadsheet system
2) Write spreadsheet programs
3) Troubleshoot a spreadsheet program

Methodology:  Online assignments, readings, labs, and projects.

Course Requirements:  Required lab work and projects.

Evaluation of Performance:
Written Tests - 40 %    Lab Assignments - 40%
Demonstration of competencies / Projects - 20%

Course Grading Scale:

94 - 100                 A
86 - 93                   B
78 - 85                   C
70 - 77                   D
69 / Below             F

Quality of Instruction Statement: We are committed to providing quality instruction.

Attendance Policy: Regular attendance in class is essential to receiving the maximum benefit from the educational experience.  In all cases of absences, the student is responsible for making up all missed class work.

Special Notes:
Students will be required to access the internet.

NO attachments to your email are allowed due to copyright issues.
Please use any standard email program in the TEXT mode to answer assigned questions.  Do not
use HTML mail.
Answers should be in the following format:

 1.xxx  <enter>
 2.xxxxxxx <enter>
 3.xxx <enter>
 4.xxxx <enter>              (All assignments will be posted by the first day of each week.)

Your user name and password is given to you by the freeu SM business office at the time of semester registration.


Course Outline

Historical Development of Spreadsheets

Inputs and Outputs

Basics of Programming


Rows and Columns

Formula Control 



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